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Below we have listed every Tool in the Elkan5e ruleset. A tool helps you to do something you couldn't otherwise do, such as craft or repair an item, forge a document, or pick a lock. Your race, class, background, or feats give you proficiency with certain tools. Proficiency with a tool allows you to use your skills to perform tasks that would be otherwise impossible. 


Expect more detail on how the various tools can be used, coming soon!



Artist's Tools:

Musical Instruments, Painting and Drawing, Sculpting

Crafting Tools:

Alchemy, Brewing, Calligraphy, Cooking, Jeweling, Leatherworking, Herbalism, Masonry, Poisoning, Smithing, Tinkering, Tailoring, Woodworking

Exploration Tools:

Disguise, Navigation, Thieves'

Other Tools:

Gaming, Forgery


Land, Mount, Water



Artist's Tools

Artist's Tools are used primarily by characters to create art. If you have proficiency with a given artist's tool, you can roll performance checks to perform or create art with the specific artist's tool. If you attempt a performance check with an artist's tool you are not proficient with, you either have disadvantage on the check or automatically fail (at the GM's discretion).


Musical Instrument: Each type of musical instrument requires a separate proficiency. Several of the most common types of medieval fantasy instruments are the Bagpipes, Drum, Dulcimer, Flute, Horn, Lute, Lyre, Pan Flute, Shawm, and Viol. You may choose any instrument not from this list, pending your GM's approval. Alternatively, you can be a trained singer, which requires no instrument to perform music.

Painting and Drawing Supplies:  Might be a generalized set or a specialized set of tools for a particular medium, such as oil painting or charcoal drawing. While an artist may not be experiences with all form of visual art, they can typically pick up other forms quickly. On the other hand, a charcoal artist may need to practice first before comfortably using watercolor paint.

Sculptor's Tools: Might be a generalized set or a specialized set of tools for a particular medium, such as clay pottery or woodcarving. While a sculptor may not be experiences with all form of sculpture, they can typically pick up other forms of sculpting quickly. On the other hand, a woodcarver may need to practice first before comfortably using glassblower's tools.


In Elkan, musical instruments are more modern than in most 5e settings. It is reasonable if your character plays the Trombone, for example. Also, the sculptor's tools are a condensed form of several tools from the baseline 5e ruleset.



Crafting Tools

Crafting tools can be used to turn raw materials into useful products.


Alchemy Tools: An alchemist can harvest magical reagents from monsters and use them to create components of magical items.

Brewing Tools: A brewer can use various materials to make alcoholic beverages.

Calligraphy Tools: A calligrapher can write fancy letters, but with a little magic can create magical scrolls that can be used to cast spells.

  • You can scribe a spell you can cast. You must cast the spell as part of scribing the scroll and you must have a piece of parchment to scribe the scroll on. The spell does not take effect, instead becoming a spell scroll.

  • Scribing scrolls takes 1 hour plus the casting time of the chosen spell. You do not need the spell's components, but you will need the components to cast the spell from the scroll.

  • You require magic ink and other materials to scribe scrolls. The value of these scribing components depends on the level of the scroll you're scribing. The cost of scribing a scroll is half the cost of buying a scroll. These components can typically be purchased in large towns or from specialized magic component traders.

  • You cannot scribe Divine Smite or other spells granted as class features.

    • Cantrip Scroll: 5 gold (to scribe) 10 gold (to purchase)

    • 1st Level Scroll: 15 gold (to scribe) 30 gold (to purchase)

    • 2nd Level Scroll: 50 gold (to scribe) 100 gold (to purchase)

    • 3rd Level Scroll: 100 gold (to scribe) 200 gold (to purchase)

    • 4th Level Scroll: 150 gold (to scribe) 300 gold (to purchase)

    • 5th Level Scroll: 350 gold (to scribe) 700 gold (to purchase)

    • 6th Level Scroll: 750 gold (to scribe) 1500 gold (to purchase)

    • 7th Level Scroll: 1400 gold (to scribe) 2800 gold (to purchase)

    • 8th Level Scroll: 2250 gold (to scribe) 4500 gold (to purchase)

    • 9th Level Scroll: 3500 gold (to scribe) 7000 gold (to purchase)

Cooking Utensils: A cook can turn organic material into food that can keep people alive and healthy.

Jeweling Tools: A jeweler can make rings, amulets, and other jewelry, both magical and nonmagical.

Herbalism Tools: Herbalism tools include a variety of instruments such as clippers, mortar and pestle, and pouches and vials used by herbalists to create remedies and potions. Proficiency with this kit is required to create antitoxin and potions of healing.

Leatherworking Tools: A leatherworker works with skins and hides to make clothing and armor.

Masonry Tools: This set of tools are used for stonemasonry, usually for construction.

Poisoning Tools: Poisoning tools include the vials, chemicals, and other equipment necessary for the creation of poisons. 

Smithing Tools: A smith uses metal to create tools, armor, and weapons.

Tailoring Tools: A tailor uses organic and inorganic fibres and cloths to create clothing.

Tinker's Tools: A tinker fixes damaged objects and creates small gadgets of miscellaneous use.

Woodworking Tools: Woodworking tools are used to make everything from wooden furniture and homes to the more delicate work of making wooden bows.


In the Elkan 5e ruleset, we made Calligraphy a part of crafting magic scrolls, and we reworked a few tools and created the Tailor's Tools and the Woodworker's tools to cover item creation that wasn't clearly covered by the previous tools offered. We also removed a few tools we didn't feel were distinct enough, like the Cobbler's Tools.



Exploration Tools

These tools can be used to help aid characters in exploring their environment.


Disguise Kit: This pouch of cosmetics, hair dye, and small props lets you create disguises that change your physical appearance. With this kit on hand, you can put together multipurpose outfits quickly.

Navigation Tools: This set of instruments is used for navigation, often at sea. With navigator's tools, you can chart a ship's course and follow navigation charts, or you can make a map. In addition, these tools give you advantage on any ability check you make to avoid getting lost at sea or try to decipher or use a confusing map.

Thieves' Tools: This set of tools includes a small file, a set of lock picks, a small mirror mounted on a metal handle, a set of narrow-bladed scissors, and a pair of pliers. Proficiency with these tools allows you to open locks with a sleight of hand check. You may also use these tools to disarm some mechanical traps.


In baseline 5e rules, using or creating a map requires the use of Cartographer's Tools. We combined that tool with Navigator's Tools.



Other Tools

These tools each serve a unique purpose in the hands of player characters.


Gaming Set: As an item, a gaming set includes a wide range of game pieces, including dice and decks of cards. In many cases, a character may have more specific game pieces, like a chess set. If you are proficient with gaming sets, you have advantage on all skill checks you make to play a game that requires thinking or strategy.

Forgery Kit: This small box contains a variety of papers and parchments, pens and inks, seals and sealing wax, gold and silver leaf, and other supplies necessary to create convincing forgeries of physical documents. Proficiency with this kit lets you create physical forgeries of documents using deception checks..




If you have proficiency with a certain kind of vehicle (land or water), you can add your proficiency bonus to any check you make to control that kind of vehicle in difficult circumstances.


Land: A character proficient at driving a specific land vehicle (like a chariot) is trained in maneuvering that vehicle in difficult terrain or dangerous situations.

Mount: A character proficient at riding a particular kind of mount (like a horse) is trained in riding that mount in difficult terrain or dangerous situations.

Water: A character proficient at driving a specific water vehicle (like a sailboat) is trained in maneuvering that vehicle in difficult terrain or dangerous situations.



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