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Thundering Omen
You loudly proclaim that fate is on your side, or that fate has something terrible in store for your enemies. You smash a glass object or strike a bell, and the sound reverberates through the air. Your enemies feel a sense of dread as your words are punctuated with magic worming through their minds.
Action - All Enemies Within 60 ft. - 3rd Level (Enchantment) - VSM - 1 Minute
Charisma Save
Failure: Target takes 2d6 psychic damage*. If target isn't immune to psychic damage, they have disadvantage on the next attack roll or skill check they make.
Success: Half damage, no other effect.
*Upcasting: Increase damage by 1d6 for each spell level above 3rd.
Bard, Cleric, Paladin
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