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Spirit Guardians
You hold forth a holy symbol or a cultural icon associated with the dead, then call forth spirits to protect you. They flit around you, striking your enemies at your direction and harrying their movement.
Action - 15 ft. Radius (Around Self) - 3rd Level (Necromancy) - VSM - Concentration (1 Minute)
This spell targets all creatures of your choice and ignores cover.
Wisdom Save
Failure: Targets take 3d8 radiant damage*.
Success: Half damage.
Area Hazard: The area within 15 ft. of you is difficult terrain for hostile creatures.
Concentration: Once on each subsequent turn, you can make the spirits target all creatures within 15 ft. of you again.
*Upcasting: Increase damage by 1d8 for each spell level above 3rd.
Cleric, Druid
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