Speak With Plants
You take a living plant and touch it to your lips, chanting words of the ancient Sylvan tongue. Nature spirits pass through the plants nearby, gathering information and passing it to you.
1 Minute - 30 ft. Radius (From Self) - 3rd Level (Divination) - VS
Utility Spell
You speak to nearby mundane plants and learn information from them. You can ask five questions. The plants try to answer to the best of their ability, but they only know information about the immediate surroundings. Plants generally only know the following information:
Details on weather, natural phenomenon including natural disasters, and local wildlife.
Whether or not celestials, elementals, fey, fiends, or undead creatures have affected the local plants, and in what way.
The general size and number of creatures that passed by in your immediate vicinity within the last hour.
Whether any violent conflict occurred in your immediate vicinity, including details of anything that might have affected the plants.
At your GM's discretion, you may learn other information about events or creatures that the nearby plants may have observed.
Druid, Ranger