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Protection from Curses
You focus your attention on a curse’s subject. Addressing the creature that cast the curse or the curse itself, you demand it withdraw from the subject and remain dormant.
Action - 1 Creature (Touch) - 3rd Level (Abjuration) - VSM - 24 Hours
Utility Spell
Target cannot be cursed.
Any curse the target is already under is suppressed and temporarily has no effect. This does not remove curses or undo damage they might have done.
If the target is attuned to a cursed item, this spell breaks attunement to the item and ends the curse on the target.
You can still remove or end a curse while the curse is suppressed by this spell.
When this spell ends, all curses resume.
Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Warlock, Wizard
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