Explosive Runes
You spend an hour muttering incantations while finely etching a rune into a surface. Once it is ready, you hold a handful of diamond dust, imbuing it with power, before pushing it into the surface of the rune where it is absorbed. Magically hidden, your rune lies ready to unleash its power at a chosen trigger.
1 Minute - 10 ft. - 3rd Level (Evocation) - VSM - Permanent
Materials: You require 0.2 pounds of pure diamond dust, typically valued at 100 gold. This spell consumes this material.
Create Runes
Choose a 5 ft. space in which to create the rune. If the rune is somehow moved 5 ft. or more, the spell ends. You set a condition for the rune to detonate (such as the rune's text being read aloud, or at least two undead being in the blast radius). You can also detonate the rune at any time using your reaction.
Dexterity Save
The explosion has a 20 ft. radius.
Failure: 5d8 damage*. Damage can be acid, cold, fire, electric, or sonic damage (your choice).
Success: Half damage.
*Upcasting: Increase damage by 1d8 for each spell level above 3rd.