Summary of Changes
This page will include a summary of all significant changes we've made to the 5e ruleset as part of designing Elkan 5e. Where we have them, we include designer notes that we wrote at the time of designing content. At the bottom of this page, we include a changelog. We often make weekly updates on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. If you'd like to receive notifications about upcoming content or changes, you can join our Discord.
Note: This page only includes the most significant or noticeable changes.
Ancestry and Background
Rather than picking a 'race' and a 'background' as in baseline 5e rules, you now pick an ancestry and a background.
Ancestries and Backgrounds are roughly the same power level as the old race and background system, so you can use our system alongside players using the old system (but you cannot mix and match between the two systems).
There are no ability score improvements linked to ancestry or background. All Elkan 5e methods of ability score generation include extra points by default, resulting in the same totals.
Now you can play a militant dwarf or a maritime kobold, mixing and matching background elements into your character to represent your setting's cultures or your character's unique upbringing.
Ancestries are revised, rebalanced, and expanded versions of races from baseline 5e options.
Ancestry is less significant than race, and only includes biological abilities.
Ancestry does not grant you bonuses to your ability scores. Instead the default ability score generation process includes extra points to be equal to the old totals.
All ancestries have a 30 ft. walking speed.
Mixed heritage characters replace half-elves and half-orcs.
While in baseline 5e rules only half-elves and half-orcs were possible, we felt that elves and orcs should be able to produce offspring together if they could both do so with humans, and even if not, it's possible for a half-elf and half-orc to have a child.​
Backgrounds are 100% new and mechanically deeper than older options.
Cultural benefits, such as weapon training, are now written into background, which may be cultural training or specific individual training.
These typically give 2 skills (which you can choose), some other proficiencies like tools or weapons, and an active ability.
Background is now a substantial part of a character's ability set at level 1.
Class Changes
Classes with access to fighting styles now have access to all options.
By level 10, all classes that lack proficiency with wisdom saving throws now have features that help compensate.
Most features no longer scale to proficiency bonus or ability score modifier, to reduce odd scaling with multiclass characters.
Where we could, classes now gain subclass abilities at levels 3, 6, 10, and 14. Some classes gain more than that, and spellcasting classes gain their expanded spell list at level 1.
We list changes to SRD subclasses under their parent class, and new subclasses are listed separately.
Characters gain a free feat at level 1 from a limited list, and now gain both ability score improvements and feats at levels 4, 8, 12, and 16. Some feats are class specific, and some require a level higher than 1 or 4.
At level 19, characters instead gain Superior Ability, which raises one ability score to 22.
Every feat is new. We provide a new list of level 1 feats, which your GM can choose to allow every player to choose from.
Combat Maneuvers are new feats which describe special moves martial characters can do in combat.
The vast majority of them don't do more damage, but rather provide battlefield utility.​
Fighters get a few maneuvers for free.
Manuevers have a number of uses that scale to your proficiency bonus.
Fighting styles that applied to melee attacks now apply to melee and thrown weapon attacks.
Single Weapon Fighting is the new name for Dueling, and includes two-handed melee weapons. The Great Weapon Fighting style slowed down gameplay, and was both weaker than +2 damage and favored certain weapons. The +2 bonus to damage will outperform older options for two-handed weapons.
The Protection style was adjusted so that you could use it if you were wielding a melee weapon and not a shield. It has also been improved so that when you force an enemy to reroll their attack against your ally the rerolled attack targets you instead, allowing you to use your potentially higher armor class or hit points.
We adjusted Two-Weapon Fighting to be more friendly to characters that needed to use their bonus action. Now, when you take the Attack action on your turn and make at least one attack with your main-hand weapon, you can make an additional attack with your off-hand weapon as part of that Attack action, as long as the weapon in your off-hand is Light. This is true whether or not you pick this fighting style. If you do not have the Two-Weapon Fighting Style, then you have disadvantage on any attacks with your off-hand weapon.
Most barbarian abilities have been improved or replaced with better abilities. The changes are significant.
A number of new high level abilities.
Rage no longer ends early for any reason except the barbarian's choice.
More rage uses and the rage bonus scales to +6 instead of +4.
Barbarians can now use dexterity based weapons without losing any abilities. Barbarians can also opt to wear armor and use constitution instead of dexterity for armor class while wearing armor. These changes will allow barbarians to invest in mental statistics without suffering too much.
Reckless Attack is now 3/long rest until level 11 as part of our rebalancing martial characters to all do comparable damage.
Barbarians get a Fighting Style, as well as powerful new abilities to replaces the extra critical hit damage they used to get (which was statistically a very weak bonus).
Berserkers are reworked. They no longer get exhaustion from berserking. Otherwise, their abilities are new, and revolve around goading themselves towards a single opponent and getting bonuses while goaded. They therefore lose some control when they use their most powerful features.
We revised nearly every ability the bard gets.
To see how musical performance now integrates with bard spellcasting, see the Spellcasting Focus or Instruments section of Bard Spellcasting.
Bardic Inspiration now works completely differently, allowing the bard to be in control of when bardic inspiration is rolled, and making it more flexible. It also now gains more uses as you level up, rather than scaling to your charisma modifier, and always recharges at a short rest.
Wisdom saving throw proficiency instead of dexterity.
Magical Secrets has been reworked so that the spells you choose from other class lists are lower level than your bard spells, meaning that you never get 9th level spells from other classes. On the other hand, bards now get their first Magical Secrets at level 6 regardless of subclass, and get a total of 8 spells rather than 6. This should result in a bard's spell list having a more diverse selection across all spell levels.
Bards now get a subclass feature at level 10. To account for subclasses not published on Elkan 5e, we allow those using older subclasses to choose a feat instead.
Counterpoint and Limitless Inspiration are new abilites. To make room for new features, we removed one instance of Inspiration and Countercharm. An improved Countercharm is now available as a feat. If using an older bard subclass, we recommend picking Countercharm as your level 10 feat.
We also made sure Jack of All Trades applies only to skill checks. It didn't make sense to us that it would apply to a Dispel Magic attempt or initiative.
Lore bards are mostly reworked. They do not gain additional magical secrets, but can use their bardic inspiration in more flexible ways than other bards, including rerolling their inspiration dice.
The cleric has seen fewer changes than most of our classes.
We removed Turn Undead (which is now a feat) and replaced it with a generic Channel Divinity that allows clerics to cast more of their domain spells.
Because we moved domain features around to follow the 3/6/10/14 scheme, clerics get less at level 1, but high level clerics get their powerful domain feature earlier.​
Divine Intervention was also rewritten and turned into a capstone.
Life Domain clerics are mostly the same as before, but they have a healing overflow ability instead of extra damage.
The most radical change is to Wild Shape. In baseline 5e rules, druids have a limited form of animal shapeshifting as a class feature, which may or not be improved by their choice of Druid Circle. Our version instead has access to a series of spell-like magical abilities (including a limited form of shapeshifting) that allow them to manipulate their environment or provide exploration tools to themselves or their allies.
If you're looking for more animal shapeshifting, our Circle of the Shifter has powerful animal shapeshifting options. We felt that druids should not all necessarily have shapeshifting as part of their archetype, but we did want to emphasize the exploration and environmental powers they have.
Our druid gains the poison and disease immunity previously assigned to the Circle of the Land (which is gained at level 18 instead of 10).
The level 18 and 20 features are redesigned.
Abilities that come from your Druid Circle count as a use of Wild Shape if they expend a use of Wild Shape, and end any previous Wild Shape effects unless states otherwise.
In Elkan 5e, the fighter has had a few changes.
We moved the fourth extra attack to level 17 and created a new capstone feature.
We gave fighters free combat maneuver feats, which gives them additional combat utility. Other classes can choose them, but fighters a few earlier and for free.
The previous version of Indomitable allowed fighters to reroll failed saves. However, at high levels it was easily possible for a fighter to have a 10% chance of success, where rolling again would be unlikely to succeed. We also didn't like that an ability called Indomitable would be used up when a character fails a save. Thus, we allow the fighter to add 1d10, which is a much more substantial bonus to their chance of success than a reroll.​ Now, if a fighter uses Indomitable and still fails the saving throw, the ability is not consumed.​
If the fighter has a very low chance of succeeding even with Indomitable, it is still best to try to roll it, because the ability is not consumed if it fails. It should also be noted that the fighter can reroll failed death saves in this way.
Champions now deal more damage on critical hits and gain an improved fighting style before anyone else.
The monk has seen tweaks to most abilities. The monk has had an increase in their unarmed damage and was raised to a d10 hit die. They also gain a Fighting Style.
Monks can now make an additional unarmed attack with their off-hand as if it were an off-hand weapon without using a bonus action, just like our general changes to dual wielding.
The monk's Ki total has been doubled and moved to a long rest recharge.
​Flurry of Blows doesn't require you to use the Attack action first.
The monk also no longer uses ki to use Stunning Strike, which is now its own ability with a number of uses that scales to monk level. This prevents the monk from stunning all enemies in a fight or repeatedly trying to stun a single monster 4 times in a round. It also allows the monk to freely use ki on the other abilities without them competing.
A number of improvements to higher level abilities.
Open Hand monks mostly have reformatted abilities that are very similar to the original. They lose their sanctuary-like ability and gain a mass version of their level 3 abilities. Quivering Palm is weaker.
The paladin remains the same at its core, but has been streamlined where possible. The biggest change we made was adding new smite options, which replace the old smite spells. These are chosen as class features.
Divine Smite is now a spell and uses normal spell rules.
In Elkan 5e, we wanted paladins to be able to use bows and other ranged weapons and still be able to use their Divine Smite. The paladin's class features now all work with ranged weapons.
Divine Smite was edited to clarify the interaction between Divine Smite and critical hits. We also allow Divine Smite to trigger on Celestials.
The channel divinity options are replaced with 'Channel Conviction', which separates the uses of both abilities and has players choose one at level 3 and get the other at level 10.
Divine Sense now includes more types of creatures and takes only a bonus action, and has a standard 3 uses.
Lay on Hands no longer removes disease or poison until level 15, where the Cleansing Touch ability has been rewritten completely (and also given the ability to remove ability score and hit point drain).
Lastly, we made some edits for clarity.. This included renaming the Improved Divine Smite ability to Divine Strikes so that it wouldn't seem like a smite ability.
Devotion paladins are very similar to the original, but have an ability to provide temp hit points instead of turning creatures, and they have bonuses to saves instead of a permanent protection from good and evil.
The ranger has been nearly completely redesigned. We wanted to keep the core identity of the ranger at first, but found that they didn't have any features that were any good in the core class. The main damage dealing feature seemed to be the Hunter's Mark spell, which did not increase in damage at higher levels. After about level 5, there was very little to look forward to.
We've improved every single ability, including adding a new level 20 feature.​
Rangers now get survival as a free skill and three others, instead of just three skills. They also gain expertise at later levels.
Favored Enemy was removed and the language it granted made part of the core level 1 proficiencies.
Natural Explorer was pared down, and the ability to ignore nonmagical difficult terrain added.
The Mark for Death ability mimics the Hunter's Mark spell, but does not require concentration, which means it doesn't compete with any of the ranger's other spells. The Mark for Death ability is slightly lower damage than Hunter's Mark when first picked up, but is more versatile, and later scales as the ranger increases in level. This can make the ranger a very powerful combatant.
Primeval Awareness now functions similarly to Locate Creature and costs a spell slot, with extra bonuses if the creature is too far to be located.
Rangers gain a climbing and swimming speed, and a movement bonus, at level 7.
Hunters are more offensively focused, and have a third attack as part of the attack action instead of their old multiattack.
We made the damage on rogues more reliable at the cost of some survivability, and made minor edits to everything. The largest change we made was adding Extra Attack and several alternate options for sneak attacks. These 'Precision Attacks' cause conditions and secondary effects at the cost of some damage upon successfully sneak attacking a creature.
We changed Sneak Attack so that you could trigger sneak attack even if you had disadvantage on the attack roll, as long as you had a creature hostile to your target within 5 ft. of the target. This was so that effects like the poisoned or blinded condition would not nullify the rogue's ability to do significant damage entirely, potentially for entire combat encounters or longer.
We also removed Uncanny Dodge, since we felt it was better to grant extra damage and condition options.
We added Extra Attack to rogues at level 5, a substantial increase in damage and reliability of sneak attack. This also helps remove the strong incentive for rogues to dual-wield, since now all rogues of level 5 or higher will have more than one chance to trigger sneak attack, which means the off-hand attack from dual wielding is no longer crucial for reliable damage.
We changed the level at which rogues get most of their features to allow rogues to get their second archetype feature at level 6, as well as getting most of their important features a bit earlier.
We removed the rogue's Ability Score Improvement at level 10.
We improved the rogue's Blindsight and Stroke of Luck abilities.
Thieves are mostly unrecognizable from their original version. They are the only rogues to get Uncanny Dodge, and most of their abilities focus around movement, directing attacks into your enemies, and using your Cunning Action more than other rogues.
The biggest changes to the sorcerer class revolve around metamagic.
We added two Metamagic options to flesh out the list from baseline 5e rules, gave sorcerers two more metamagic options to their total number, made them get new metamagic options and sorcerous origin features at lower levels than before, and made it so they recover up to half their Sorcery Point total on a short rest.
We also gave them a feature at level 9 that allows them to bolster their wisdom saves for high level play.
We created a new capstone feature to replace their old one, which we replaced by allowing level 2 and higher sorcerers to regain sorcery points on a short rest.
In baseline 5e, sorcery points could be abused to create an unlimited number of spell slots for certain multiclass characters. Our rules here prevent that: sorcerers can no longer create more spell slots on top of their usual maximum.
There's also a few minor tweaks here and there.
Draconic sorcerers are similar in flavor as before, but gain a breath weapon and a more targeted frightening ability they can use as a bonus action.
We improved the spellcasting ability of warlocks and switched them to a long rest recovery system, as well as improved, simplified, and streamlined many features.
Eldritch Blast is no longer a cantrip, but a class feature that scales to warlock level. It also add the warlock's charisma modifier to damage by default, rather than requiring the Agonizing Blast invocation.
Overhauled spellcasting for warlocks. The baseline 5e warlock regained all spell slots of up to 5th level when they finished a short rest. However, these warlocks also only have 2 spell slots until level 11. They also always casted spells at the highest level slot (up to 5th), rendering many lower level spells obsolete. By giving warlocks more spell slots of varying levels and having them restore on a long rest, the warlock has more versatility and can choose how to expend their resources without worrying about when a short rest will next come. In baseline 5e rules, warlocks gain Mystic Arcanum spells at levels 11, 13, 15, and 17. These Mystic Arcanum spells were meant to give warlocks 6th level spell slots and higher that they regained on a long rest, as opposed to all their other spells, which they recovered on a short rest. However, because our Reawakened Warlock regains ALL spell slots on a long rest, Mystic Arcanum spell slots could be combined with the main spellcasting system, which meant there was no need for these spells to have their own system.
Pact of the Chain familiars are now more powerful and have dedicated invocations to improve them.
Pact of the Warrior replaced Pact of the Blade, and synergizes well with the new Eldritch Weapon invocation, which allows any warlock to use their charisma as their ability score for all weapons.
Pact of the Tome now allows warlocks to regain some spell slots on a short rest, similar to the wizard.
A few invocations were renamed for Elkan 5e. Beguiling Influence is now called Enchantment of Aptitude, and it now gives you a choice of any two skills instead of just persuasion and deception. Book of Ancient Secrets was renamed to Book of Rituals so that it wouldn't be confused with the new Book of Magical Secrets.
Fiend warlocks are mostly the same. Their Dark One's Blessing cannot give more temporary hit points than your victim had as their hit point maximum, eliminating the 'bag of rats' strategy. Normally we wouldn't even note something like that, but the subclass is barely changed.
We made a few changes to wizards to make them more flexible and be more varied.
Wizard subclasses give access to all spells of a given school.
In the Elkan 5e wizard, wizards learn as many spells as before, and cannot scribe scrolls to increase that number. However, all spells in their spellbook are prepared at all times. We removed scribing scrolls to equalize wizards a bit with other casters so that they would be just as good in low magic and high magic settings, improving the consistency of balance. Also, because we allowed wizards to have all their spells prepared at all times, we couldn't let them get a number of prepared spells in the hundreds. We decided this was a good trade off, because the already large number of spells wizards could learn meant that having more prepared at once was more important than having more options to switch to at a rest. Previously, wizards only had about half their spells available for use on average. Additionally, the availability of magic scrolls would vary by game table, so wizards became the only casters to rely on gold and magic items to expand their spell list. Additionally, wizards would likely get all the spells they wanted on level up anyway, with any additional spells being random and sometimes not suited to their playstyle.
We added the Expertise feature at level 2 to allow wizards to keep up with rogues and bards when it came to specialized skills, especially in cases like with the Arcana skill.
Evokers had their abilities cleaned up and streamlined a bit. Their abilities now add damage on non-evocation spells.
New Subclasses
Here are the new subclasses we've created for Elkan 5e:
Barbarian (Bloodrager): a spellcasting barbarian that gains spells from a sorcerous origin. Deals damage to those who attack them and deals damage according to the origin chosen. Has a variant that triggers wild surges.
Bard (Jester): a bard focused on using bardic inspiration as a debuff for enemies rather than buffing allies. They gain a powerful version of Vicious Mockery, and gain abilities that set enemies against targets of their choice and do psychic damage to those they debuff.
Bard (Noise): a bard focused on blasting things with sonic damage. They gain some utility around silence and their senses.
Cleric (Death): a cleric that deals increased necrotic damage and leeches life from foes and allies alike to empower their allies.
Druid (Grassland): a druid that increases the speed of the party and allows allies to ram into opponents for extra damage.
Druid (Mountain): a defensively-oriented druid that shields allies, as well as pushing enemies around.
Druid (Shifter): a druid that has powerful shapeshifting, similar to old shape-shifting subclasses, but less focused on sustaining damage and more focused on spellcasting while shifted and switching between forms.
Druid (Underworld): a druid that influences the perception of allies and foes, dealing psychic damage and getting into the heads of those who oppose them.
Fighter (Bulwark): a fighter with powerful defensive abilities that allow them to protect their party members.
Fighter (Commander): a support-oriented fighter that gives powerful buffs to party members, especially other martial characters who the commander can grant extra attacks to.
Fighter (Spellsword): a new spellcasting fighter that picks from any of the full caster classes to gain spells. They can channel their spells into their attacks and boast more utility than other fighters.
Monk (Elementalist): a monk that switches between elemental stances, makes ranged strikes with elemental damage, and casts spells.
Monk (Shadowdancer): a monk with the ability to turn invisible, cast some utility spells, and move around in shadows.
Ranger (Beastmaster): a ranger with an animal companion that scales to their level and fights in tandem with the ranger.
Rogue (Assassin): a rogue that focuses on acting before their opponents, striking quickly, and dealing extra damage to finish off targets with low hit points.
Rogue (Brute): a tough martial-focused rogue that grapples targets and knocks them prone, overwhelming and disabling their foes.
Rogue (Duelist): a melee-focused rogue that can reroll attacks and move quickly and unhindered through a battlefield.
Rogue (Mystic Trickster): a spellcasting rogue that picks from any of the full caster classes to gain spells. They can sneak attack with cantrips and later spells, and boast more utility than other rogues.
Sorcerer (Air/Earth/Fire/Water Savants): Elementally attuned sorcerers who deal increased damage with spells from their chosen element. Elemental savants eventually take on aspects of their chosen element as well.
Sorcerer (Wild Mage): Chaotic spellcasters who trigger random magical effects with their spells called wild surges. An Elkan 5e favorite.
Warlock (Fey): Warlocks who focus on misdirection, trickery, and manipulation. Can switch places with enemies to cause them to take damage instead of themselves.
Wizard (Abjurer): These defensively-focused wizards are the only spellcasters to get access to the counterspell feature in Elkan 5e.
Wizard (Illusionist): Masters of magical deception, illusionists can bolster normally harmless illusions to the point they can actually harm people.
Wizard (Necromancer): These wizards toy with magics of life and death, and are accompanied by a Graveguard, a powerful undead servant who draws upon their master's strength.
Changes to Rules
Ability Score generation was streamlined.
Combat is being refined to be a bit less clunky where possible.
Conditions have been overhauled and new conditions added.
Ability Score Generation
Ability Score generation is changed, mostly to accommodate the lack of racial ability score improvements.
Recommended Ability Scores are provided on each class page:
Standard Array. Assign one of the following sets of numbers:
16, 14, 14, 12, 12, 8 -OR- 16, 16, 14, 10, 10, 8
Roll 4d6, dropping the lowest value. For example, if you roll, 5,4,4, 3, your total is 13. Repeat this six times, writing down the values you roll.
Assign each value to ability scores of your choice.
Add three points either to one ability score or split them up between different ability scores, up to a maximum of 17. If you rolled a 17 or 18, you can keep them, but not increase them this way.
Point Buy:​
You can spend points on your ability scores, dividing them however you want, between a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 17 for each score. You have 33 points. Use the table provided here.
Attacks of Opportunity now trigger on any voluntary movement moving away from a creature, rather than just movement that moves outside of a weapon's range. They also trigger on a spellcaster casting a spell with a casting time of 1 action.
Dual Wielding: If you are holding two weapons, then you make an additional off-hand attack with your second weapon whenever you take the Attack action. However, if you do not have the Two-Weapon Fighting Style, then you attack with disadvantage on this off-hand attack.
Readying Actions no longer requires setting a specific trigger. Readying a bonus action ability now costs a bonus action instead of an action.
Switching Weapons: Attackers can switch weapons either as an action or at the start of the attack action.
Thrown Weapons make attacks as ranged weapons when used at range.
The rule for casting multiple spells in a turn is this: you can only expend one spell slot per turn. If you ready a spell, that counts as a spell you cast on the turn you begin to ready it.
Thunder damage is renamed to sonic damage.
New conditions include dazed, goaded, silenced, siphoned, weakened.
Some spell and ability effects are standardized as conditions: confused, drained, hasted, slowed.
Some game rules now explicitly count as conditions, including concentrating, cover, surprised.
Lightly Obscured and Heavily Obscured have been overhauled to be self-contained as conditions.
A blinded creature's speed is halved.
Deafened imposes disadvantage on dexterity saves.
Exhaustion imposes a -2 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, saving throws, and the creature's spellcasting saving throw DC, up to -10. At 6 levels, it's lethal.
A frightened creature can approach the source of their fear if they end their turn further away.
Grappled has been fully reworked, and there are size benefits for the larger and smaller creature in a grapple. Grapples can be used to hang onto larger creatures.
The paralyzed, petrified, stunned, and unconscious conditions are all explicitly subsets of the incapacitated condition, which now reduces your speed to 0. Because we rewrote Hideous Laughter, the only effect in 5e's srd to incapacitate you without reducing your speed to 0, this should be unnoticeable.
Clarified the invisible condition.
Restrained creatures can no longer use somatic components of spells.
Slowed now imposes disadvantage on attacks instead of reducing them to one attack a round, since some creatures only had one attack.
Surprised reduces initiative by 20, rather than preventing the creature's first turn. There's also some rules for triggering surprise.
The rule for casting multiple spells in a turn is now the following: Spellcasters can only cast one spell of 1st level or higher in a turn. The exception is spells that have a casting time of 1 reaction
A spellcaster must have be able to see their target, or see the center of an area of effect spell they are casting. You do not necessarily need to have an unobstructed path to the target. The exceptions are spell attacks, spells that target the self or a creature you are touching, or spells that activate on an attack like a smite spell.
All spellcasters can now use ritual casting.
There are specific rules to determine an illusion's effectiveness.
Curses have general rules.
Scrolls are overhauled. They count towards your one spell per turn, and use your spellcasting attack or DC if they're a spell from your class, or use DC 13 if not. They only require a check to use if not on your spell list, and are not consumed if the user fails to cast them.
There are also rules for crafting scrolls with Calligraphy Tools.
Weapons and armor that were never used or entirely fictional were removed.
Weapons were rebalanced a bit.
Added small shields and rolled shield proficiencies into armor proficiencies.
Small shields allow classes that only had access to light armor to have another defensive option. We also reclassified shields as being either light or medium armor, as opposed to having their own proficiency. As far as we know, this should be perfectly compatible with old sources, because characters who could use shields always had proficiency in medium armor.
Padded armor improved to old leather stats, leather armor is improved to the old studded leather stats. Padded becomes starting armor for light armor characters.
In baseline 5e, the worst light armor is padded armor, and it appears as we feature it here, except that it imposes disadvantage on stealth checks. This made no sense to us, as other armor that includes padded layers did not impose this disadvantage. However, by removing the disadvantage, we made padded just as good as leather armor. However, because we wanted to remove studded leather armor, we simply gave leather armor the statistics that studded leather armor used to have (with a slight cost decrease).​
If you are using other 5e sources that reference 'padded armor', give it the statistics of leather armor as we list it here. They are identical. If other sources list 'leather armor', use the statistics of padded armor here. For example, if you create a character at level 1 that starts with leather armor, then that character should start with padded armor instead.
Removed studded leather and ring mail.
Studded Leather armor was the best kind of light armor in baseline 5e. The problem is, there's no reason why studs on leather armor would be very useful, and there's no historical precedence for their use. It's likely that studded leather was created as fantasy armor as a misunderstanding of brigandine, which has metal plates beneath leather riveted in place, which on the outside would look like studded leather armor. Conversely, padded armor in 5e was barely in use, but realistically it would be used by most poor soldiers and beginning adventurers rather than leather. We shuffled things around.​
Ring Mail is also a fictional armor likely born of misinterpretation. It is supposed to consist of rings fixed to a leather layers, but the rings are not linked together. This was likely fabricated based on medieval depictions of chain mail, which, due to artistic style choices (or artistic incompetence) were often depicted with the chain links drawn as disconnected circles on top of leather coats, rather than as an interconnected mesh. However, these historical depictions were meant to depict chain mail over a leather or cloth padding. Since we, as designers and players of 5e have never seen a character wear ring mail, we removed it entirely. Its only function was as starting armor for characters with low strength and dexterity, and ring mail isn't even listed as a starting armor for anyone. In practice we never saw it used, so we didn't replace it.​​
We also removed many magical versions of armor. There was no point to having +1 padded armor when you could have leather armor, so we pared down the list of magic armor to only the types you would actually want to make or buy.​
Removed the net from the weapons list. It will feature on a later miscellaneous equipment page.​
Allowed small creatures to use Heavy weapons.
In baseline 5e rules, the heavy property meant that small creatures couldn't wield a weapon effectively. However, we wanted halflings, gnomes, and other small races to be capable of wielding these weapons. Most of the time, you now can ignore the heavy property entirely. Melee weapons that are heavy cannot be used with a rogue's Sneak Attack.​
Added Mounted and Unwieldy Properties.
We wanted to replace the 'special' weapon property and come up with standardized names for weapon properties, even if the lance is the only mounted weapon. The unwieldy property is also new, and alongside the mounted property, replaces the special lance rules. We also wanted to add the unwieldy property to pikes as we increased their reach.​
All weapons are now worth at least 1 gold. Adjusted weight on a few weapons.
Blowguns now deal 1d4 damage instead of 1 damage.
Halberds can now deal either piercing or slashing damage (user's choice)
Pikes have their reach increased to 15 ft.
In baseline 5e, the reach property would only increase one's reach to 10 ft. We wanted pikes to give a greater increase in range, so we decided to indicate the weapon's new reach in parentheses. In real life, pikes are far longer than other polearms, and we wanted to reflect that.​
Quarterstaffs are now two-handed weapons with a reach of 10 ft. that deal 1d8 damage, instead of versatile 1d6/1d8 weapons
Sickles are now finesse weapons.
Spears now have a reach of 10 ft. when used as melee weapons
Removed Flail, Trident, and War Pick.
None of these weapons saw widespread military use in the real world, were extremely unpopular with players, and were inferior to other weapons of the same proficiency class, so we removed them from the game rules. Flails were possibly used rarely in the real world, but their stats can be represented by a morningstar or warhammer. Tridents would be inferior to spears in real life, and perhaps the only military application was with pitchforks for peasant armies. They can be represented by a spear. War Picks were always part of a hybrid hammer-pick weapon in real life, but if you really want a dedicated pick weapon, they can be represented with the stats of a morningstar.
Changes to Spells
Spells that were very rarely used were improved.
Spells that prevent creatures from acting in combat were made weaker.
Healing spells are stronger.
Descriptions are formatted to be easy to read, and the more confusing spells were redesigned.
Cantrips can be swapped at long rest by prepared spellcasters, and cantrips are not inherently separate from spells in the rules.
Spells generally follow certain conventions, such as spell effects triggering on the turn of the caster where possible.
Spells that provided a buff to a target other than the caster can now typically affect more creatures on upcast.
Rituals now take 1 minute to cast if the base spell takes 1 action, and they take 10 minutes if the base spell takes 1 minute.
Illusions often follow new Illusion rules, which require the caster to make a spellcasting ability check to make the illusion convincing vs. a target's passive perception.
Spells that recorded a certain number of words now record a certain length of time.
New Spells
These spells are not based on existing SRD spells at all.
1st Level
2nd Level
3rd Level
4th Level
5th Level
7th Level
9th Level
Replaced, Renamed, or Moved Spells
Chill Touch was renamed to Negative Energy Ray, and Poison Spray was renamed to Toxic Sting.
Create and Destroy Water was renamed to Rain and made into a cantrip.
Eldritch Blast is now granted as a warlock class feature and is not a spell.
Floating Disk and Illusory Script were changed from 1st level spells to cantrips.
Charm replaces the old charm spells.
Find Familiar was changed to be a feat rather than a spell.
Hunter's Mark was replaced with the ranger class feature Mark For Death.
Purify Food and Drink was renamed to Purify, and now has a secondary effect on poisoned or diseased creatures.
Animate Dead is now a 2nd level spell instead of 3rd level.
Find Steed is now a paladin-exclusive feat called Spirit Steed.
Hold Creature replaces the old hold spells.
Warding Bond was renamed to Spirit Link, and affects two creatures of the caster's choice and does not grant an AC or saves bonus.
Counterspell was removed except as a subclass feature for Abjurer wizards. We believe Counterspell was far too oppressive, and generally reduced the number of things that happen, so that wasn't all that fun anyway. You can add this spell back to your game if you really want, but we strongly recommend against it.
Conjure Beast is the new name for Conjure Animals. It only summons one creature now.
Protection from Curses replaces Remove Curse. It has a lesser effect.
Vampiric Touch was renamed and reworked as Life Drain.
The dominate Spells were consolidated into Dominate.
Wrath of the Reaper replaces Power Word Kill.
Acid Splash now targets a 5 ft. radius, rather than up to 2 adjacent creatures.
Dancing Lights no longer requires concentration, and allows the creation of words.
Eldritch Blast is no longer a cantrip, but rather a warlock class feature, and cannot be chosen as a cantrip for other characters.
Fire Bolt now has rules for igniting objects.
Guidance now requires your target to understand you.
Guidance and Resistance had their ranges increased to 30 ft., Produce Flame had its range increased to 90 ft., and Toxic Sting had its range increased to 30 ft.
Mage Hand had its functions clarified.
Message now requires a matching trinket to respond to the caster, and can be cast without a response to any creature.
Minor Illusion had its rules expanded to clarify what an illusion can do.
Prestidigitation can no longer create small objects, as that was too similar to minor illusion. It did gain the ability to open or close doors, which was previously part of Thaumaturgy.
Shillelagh now works with greatclubs and deals a d10 when two-handed.
Shocking Grasp was increased to a d10 damage die from a d8.
Spare the Dying now restores a target to 1 hit point after 10 minutes.
Thaumaturgy gained the ability to create a sound at a place within range, which has to be the caster's voice, which is similar to a function that Prestidigitation can no longer do.
True Strike is no longer concentration, can affect creatures other than the caster, and affects all their attacks for 1 round rather than one attack within the next minute.
Vicious Mockery and Guidance no longer require somatic components.
1st Level
Alarm affects a 20 ft. line, rather than a cube, and has a max mental range of 100 ft.
Animal Friendship now causes the beast to be charmed by the whole party.
Charm affects creatures other than humanoids.
Color Spray completely reworked to be a save.
Command reworked and limited to preset options.
Cure Wounds now heals 2d6 per spell level rather than 1d8.
Disguise Self now uses the new illusion check rules.
Divine Favor can be cast on other creatures and upscales to affect other creatures.
False Life can target other creatures.
Goodberry no longer provides nourishment and creates 5 more berries per level when upcasting.
Healing Word now heals 1d6 per spell level rather than 1d4.
Hideous Laughter inflicts the dazed and prone conditions rather than prone and incapacitated.
Identify no longer identifies spell effects.
Inflict Wounds is now a constitution save.
Jump now has a table to reference what EXACTLY the spell does.
Longstrider can be upcast to affect multiple creatures.
Ray of Sickness no longer requires an attack roll.
Sanctuary now requires concentration.
Shield now adds +3 to AC, scaling to +5 with a 3rd level spell slot, requires a free hand, and can't be used alongside a shield.
Silent Image no longer requires the caster to use an action on each turn to move the illusion, and uses the new illusion check rules.
Sleep is completely reworked to be a single target spell with a constitution save that can be upscaled to multiple creatures.
2nd Level
Acid Arrow does more damage at the end of the target's next turn.
Barkskin no longer requires concentration.
Blindness/Deafness inflicts both conditions.
Calm Emotions affects 6 (or more) creatures instead of an area.
Continual Flame is completely reworked and can deal damage.
Darkvision affects 6 creatures instead of 1.
Detect Thoughts is much more limited.
Enhance Ability grants proficiency in skill checks rather than advantage. Bear's Endurance specifically grants proficiency in concentration checks.
Enlarge/Reduce provides advantage and disadvantage on strength and dexterity related checks only.
Enthrall now imposes the goaded condition.
Find Traps is a self buff to aid with spotting dangers.
Flaming Sphere is a summon that deals damage in a 5 ft. radius and can be destroyed, at which point it deals damage again.
Heat Metal can't force a creature to drop an object.
Hold Creature now imposes restrained (which blocks most spellcasting) but not paralyzed.
Levitate is now a buff that grants a 20 ft. flying hover speed.
Mirror Image is concentration.
Pass Without Trace grants advantage on stealth instead of +10.
Ray of Enfeeblement is a saving throw.
Rope Trick is now a completely new transmutation spell that animates a rope. Its previous niche is covered by other spells.
Scorching Ray is a single attack.
Spiritual Weapon is concentration and no longer requires a bonus action on subsequent turns to move and attack.
Suggestion now only works where a persuasion check might otherwise succeed.
Web does not deal damage when burned.
3rd Level
Call Lightning now has fewer restrictions on how it may be placed.
Dispel Magic is now less likely to work without a roll, but can dispel magical effects that aren't spells, with new rules.
Explosive Runes was split off from the old Glyph of Warding spell. It is now a more useful combat spell.
Fear now affects a radius rather than a cone.
Fireball now has a radius of 10 ft. instead of 20 ft.
Haste now backfires on the caster when it ends, not the target.
Hypnotic Pattern grants its targets a save at the end of their turns to end the effect.
Mass Healing Word now heals 1d6 per spell level rather than 1d4.
Meld into Stone no longer allows the caster to speak within stone.
Plant Growth now creates standard difficult terrain and increases plant yield.
Sleet Storm no longer affects concentration.
Speak with Dead and especially Speak with Plants have their scope more clearly defined now.
Spirit Guardians only damages creatures once on the caster's turns.
Tiny Hut is no longer impassable or invincible.
Wind Wall is now a standard shape.
Changes to Spell Schools
The following is a list of all the non-Elkan 5e original spells that had their school of magic changed.
Dancing Lights (Evocation -> Illusion)
Light (Evocation -> Illusion)
Message (Transmutation -> Divination)
Prestidigitation (Transmutation -> Illusion)
Thaumaturgy (Transmutation -> Illusion)
1st Level
Cure Wounds (Evocation -> Transmutation)
Healing Word (Evocation -> Necromancy)
Inflict Wounds (Necromancy -> Transmutation)
Ray of Sickness (Necromancy -> Transmutation)
2nd Level
Blindness/Deafness (Necromancy -> Transmutation)
Darkness (Evocation ->Illusion)
Heat Metal (Transmutation ->Evocation)
Knock (Transmutation -> Abjuration)
Pass Without Trace (Abjuration -> Illusion)
Prayer of Healing (Evocation -> Necromancy)
Ray of Enfeeblement (Necromancy -> Transmutation)
Spiritual Weapon (Evocation -> Conjuration)
3rd Level
Blink (Transmutation ->Conjuration)
Call Lightning (Conjuration -> Evocation)
Daylight (Evocation -> Illusion)
Sending (Evocation -> Divination)
Speak With Plants (Transmutation ->Divination)
Spirit Guardians (Conjuration -> Necromancy)
Tiny Hut (Evocation -> Conjuration)
Mass Healing Word (Evocation -> Necromancy)
4th Level
Blight (Necromancy -> Transmutation)
Guardian of Faith (Conjuration -> Abjuration)
Private Sanctum (Abjuration -> Conjuration)
Resilient Sphere (Evocation -> Abjuration)
5th Level
Awaken (Transmutation -> Enchantment)
Contagion (Necromancy -> Transmutation)
Hallow (Evocation -> Abjuration)
Mass Cure Wounds (Evocation -> Transmutation)
Reincarnation (Transmutation -> Necromancy)
Wall of Stone (Evocation -> Conjuration)
Wall of Force (Evocation -> Abjuration)
6th Level
Blade Barrier (Evocation -> Conjuration)
Contingency (Evocation -> Abjuration)
Eyebite (Necromancy -> Enchantment)
Harm (Necromancy -> Transmutation)
Heal (Evocation -> Transmutation)
7th Level
Divine Word (Evocation -> Enchantment)
Forcecage (Evocation -> Abjuration)
Sequester (Transmutation -> Abjuration)
8th Level
Telepathy (Evocation -> Divination)
Glibness (Transmutation -> Enchantment)
9th Level
Mass Heal (Evocation -> Transmutation)
Prismatic Wall (Transmutation -> Evocation)
Storm of Vengeance (Conjuration -> Evocation)
Changes to Spell Lists
The following is a list of all the spells from the SRD (non-Elkan 5e original spells) that were either added to or removed from certain class spell lists. This list does not list new spells, only pre-existing spells.
Gained Guidance (cantrip), Floating Disk (cantrip), Resistance (cantrip), Thaumaturgy (cantrip), Alarm (1st), Color Spray (1st), Command (1st), Expeditious Retreat (1st), Aid (2nd), Arcane Lock (2nd), Blur (2nd), Darkvision (2nd), Enlarge/Reduce (2nd), Find Traps (2nd), Magic Weapon (2nd), Mirror Image (2nd), Rope Trick (2nd), Warding Bond (2nd), Beacon of Hope (3rd), Haste (3rd), Mass Healing Word (3rd), Remove Curse (3rd), Slow (3rd), Phantasmal Killer (4th), Telepathic Bond (5th), Heroes' Feast (6th), Instant Summons (6th), Prismatic Spray (7th), Antipathy/Sympathy (8th), Antimagic Field (8th), Prismatic Wall (9th), Time Stop (9th), Weird (9th)
Lost Plant Growth (3rd), Speak with Plants (3rd),
Gained Negative Energy Ray (Cantrip), True Strike (Cantrip), Divine Favor (1st), False Life (1st), Magic Weapon (2nd), Sunbeam (6th), Sunburst (8th)
Lost Enhance Ability (2nd), Insect Plague (5th)
Gained Light (Cantrip), Message (Cantrip), Ray of Frost (Cantrip), Spare the Dying (Cantrip), Detect Evil and Good (1st), Feather Fall (1st), Protection from Evil and Good (1st), Ray of Sickness (1st), Aid (2nd), Alter Self (2nd), Augury (2nd), Continual Flame (2nd), Enlarge/Reduce (2nd), Gentle Repose (2nd), Misty Step (2nd), Spider Climb (2nd), Web (2nd), Blink (3rd), Clairvoyance (3rd), Create Food and Water (3rd), Fly (3rd), Glyph of Warding (3rd), Mass Healing Word (3rd), Nondetection (3rd), Phantom Steed (3rd), Remove Curse (3rd), Revivify (3rd), Sending (3rd), Stinking Cloud (3rd), Tiny Hut (3rd), Fire Shield (4th), Cone of Cold (5th), Dominate (5th), Dream (5th), Passwall (5th), Flesh to Stone (6th), Freezing Sphere (6th), Wall of Ice (6th), Word of Recall (6th), Project Image (7th), Symbol (7th), Incendiary Cloud (8th)
Gained Bane (1st), Calm Emotions (2nd), Enthrall (2nd), Gentle Repose (2nd), Prayer of Healing (2nd), Warding Bond (2nd), Beacon of Hope (3rd), Tongues (3rd), Divination (4th), Faithful Hound (4th), Greater Restoration (5th), Hallow (5th)
Lost Locate Creature (4th)
Gained Entangle (1st), Expeditious Retreat (1st), Purify (1st), Enhance Ability (2nd), Gust of Wind (2nd), Magic Weapon (2nd), Rope Trick (2nd), See Invisibility (2nd), Spider Climb (2nd), Meld Into Stone (3rd), Revivify (3rd), Awaken (5th), Greater Restoration (5th)
Lost Locate Creature (4th), which is effectively replaced by Primeval Awareness
Gained Rain (Cantrip), Thaumaturgy (Cantrip), Grease (1st), Longstrider (1st), Acid Arrow (2nd), Continual Flame (2nd), Flaming Sphere (2nd), Magic Weapon (2nd), Ray of Enfeeblement (2nd), Sending (3rd), Vampiric Touch (3rd), Control Water (4th), Fire Shield (4th), Phantasmal Killer (4th), Resilient Sphere (4th), Stone Shape (4th), Arcane Hand (5th), Contact Other Plane (5th), Dream (5th), Mislead (5th), Wall of Force (5th), Flesh to Stone (6th), Irresistible Dance (6th), Programmed Illusion (6th), Wall of Ice (6th), Antipathy/Sympathy (8th), Control Weather (8th), Feeblemind (8th), Foresight (9th), Prismatic Wall (9th), True Polymorph (9th), Weird (9th)
Lost Detect Thoughts (2nd), Teleportation Circle (5th)
Gained Message (Cantrip), Produce Flame (Cantrip), Thaumaturgy (cantrip), Bane (1st), Command (1st), Detect Magic (1st), Detect Evil and Good (1st), False Life (1st), Inflict Wounds (1st), Ray of Sickness (1st), Silent Image (1st), Sleep (1st), Arcanist's Magic Aura (2nd), Animate Dead (2nd), Augury (2nd), Blindness/Deafness (2nd), Blur (2nd), Darkvision (2nd), Locate Object (2nd), See Invisibility (2nd), Bestow Curse (3rd), Blink (3rd), Glyph of Warding (3rd), Nondetection (3rd), Sending (3rd), Arcane Eye (4th), Black Tentacles (4th), Compulsion (4th), Greater Invisibility (4th), Phantasmal Killer (4th), Secret Chest (4th), Arcane Hand (5th), Cloudkill (5th), Contagion (5th), Dominate (5th), Insect Plague (5th), Legend Lore (5th), Mislead (5th), Modify Memory (5th), Planar Binding (5th), Teleportation Circle (5th), Wall of Force (5th), Circle of Death (6th), Globe of Invulnerability (6th), Harm (6th), Instant Summons (6th), Magic Jar (6th), Programmed Illusion (6th), Sequester (7th), Symbol (7th), Teleport (7th), Antimagic Field (8th), Maze (8th), Mind Blank (8th), Gate (9th), Weird (9th)
Lost Spider Climb (2nd)
Gained Inflict Wounds (1st), Enhance Ability (2nd), Enlarge/Reduce (2nd), Confusion (4th), Water Walk (4th), Forbiddance (6th)
Lost Hideous Laughter (1st), Longstrider (1st), Detect Thoughts (2nd), Gentle Repose (2nd), Misty Step (2nd), Spider Climb (2nd), Black Tentacles (4th), Contact Other Plane (4th), Dream (5th), Eyebite (6th), Irresistible Dance (6th)
February 27th, 2025
New Subclasses
Abjurer Wizard, a defensive wizard which is now the only archetype to gain access to Counterspell in Elkan 5e.
Elementalist Monk, which switches between 4 elemental attunements and gains different abilities for each attunement.
Reckless Attack 3/Long Rest at level 2, unlimited at level 11.
Flurry of Blows no longer requires the monk to also use the Attack action.
Open Hand: Thrust renamed to Sweep, costs 1 ki and does not require the attack or flurry of blows actions to occur first.
Beastmaster: Swapped Coordinated Attacks for Companion's Extra Attack.
Beastmaster: Predator's Instinct feature at level 6, replacing One Mind, which is now redundant.
Beastmaster: Can now see through your companion's eyes and telepathically communicate starting at level 3 instead of 6.
Provided tables with magic armor stats and prices.
Gentle Current now has a better upcasting option, and doesn't work on restrained creatures.
Burning Hands upcasting reverted to 1d6 per spell level.
Ball Lightning 2d6 -> 2d8 damage.
Merged gaming sets into a single proficiency.
February 20th, 2025
We did a lot of math and then did a big balance patch about it.
Reckless Attack moved to level 11, Feral Strike removed. Rumination moved to level 2.
Bloodrager: Seething Blood is now 3d6/6d6 and 3/long rest.
Battlemaster reworked to fit the new combat maneuvers.
Champion: Reworked. They gain a new Keen Strikes feature at level 3 and 14, which adds 1d10 damage 1/turn. Improved Critical now level 6 only.
Commander: Commander's Strike is now unlimited, and Rally uses a d10 instead of a d8. Persistent Leader adjusted to fit.
Bulwark: swapped their level 3 and 6 features.
Flurry of Blows improves to two attacks at level 11. Effortless Step moved to level 9.
Open Hand: Condensed Thrust and Sweep into a single feature. Shockwave is now more versatile.
Shadowdancer: a number of QOL and formatting updates. Abilities work more consistently.
Empty Body reworked, now a level 14 Shadowdancer feature, and Purity of Body moved to level 18.
Hunter: Dropped Uncanny Dodge option.
Assassin: Finishing Blow now works on creatures with 10 or fewer hit points on any attack the assassin makes.
Assassin: Moved level 6 abilities to level 10.
Assassin: New Ability at level 6: Death Strike. 1/Short Rest. Essentially do sneak attack twice.
Armor Prices Adjustments: Large Shield 10 ->20, Chain Mail 75 -> 100, Plate Mail 1500 -> 1200.
Reworked Combat Maneuvers to have no action cost.
Spirit Speech made into a level 8 monk feat.
February 10th, 2025
Improve damage on several precision strike options (alternate sneak attacks).
Make melee precision attacks more clear that they are melee only, and work with reach.
Poisoned Weapon Precision Strike now poisons for 1 minute, with saves to end early.
Added a new redesigned Fey Patron.
Upcasting Rend Vigor now affects more targets.
February 2nd, 2025
Small ancestries now have 30 speed.
Shifter and Beastmaster subclasses both now have a feature to grant magical and cold iron properties to beast attacks.
Clean up formatting on Druid abilities.
Open Hand: Wholeness of Body reduced to 3dmartial arts die.
Wild Mage: Finished all Wild Magic Surge tables.
Avert Disaster is now 3/long rest.
New Delayed Surge feature for Wild Mages at level 10, replacing Refract Magic.
Illusionist: Illusory attacks d8 -> d6
A detailed set of tables showing the statistics and prices of magical weapons and weapons made from adamantine, cold iron, and silver.
A number of minor adjustments to weapon weight and price.
Inflict Wounds 3d10 -> 3d8
Silent Cacophony 4d10 -> 4d6
Floating Disk now sinks in water
Added Spell Trap feat.
Confused condition adjusted to be less debilitating.
January 10th, 2025
Sudden Warning can now clearly not target self.
Bloodrager: Bloodrager Seething Blood reworked to a bonus action and save, starts at 2d6 and scales higher at higher levels. Removed Transfused Strikes.
Bloodrager: New Level 6 Bloodrager feature to replace the free War Casting feat. Wild Magic Bloodragers can now trigger Wild Surges.
Release of the Elkan 5e Wild Mage sorcerer subclass, along with Wild Magic rules.
Illusionist: Added Masterful Illusions ability.
Level 3 spells are now 100% done.
7 New Curse Spells, replacing Bestow Curse.
New Prismatic Bolt and reworked Prismatic Spray spells.
Cure Wounds and Healing Word healing increased to 2d6 and 1d6 respectively.
Goodberry now 10 berries plus 5 per higher spell level.
Druidcraft can now clear a 5 ft. cube of difficult terrain.
Added Inflict Wounds to sorcerer spell list.
Removed Confusion from Druid spell list and fix it not being listed for sorcerer
Knock cannot be dispelled. Forcing the lock open ends the spell.
Removed War Casting feat.
Removed Dominated from the conditions list.
​November 27th, 2024
Added Genasi and Construct Ancestries.
Hobgoblins now have the Strength in Numbers feature instead of Repressed Memory, which is now a feat.
Dragonborn now have the 'dragon' creature type.
Added new Undead Nature and Repressed Memory feats as level 1 feats.
War Casting feat now requires a character to have Extra Attack feature
Added rules for Curses.
Added flavor text for all third level spells.
Phase out 'As Part of a Weapon Attack' keyword
November 7th, 2024
Aasimar and Tieflings now get Thaumaturgy rather than a choice of two cantrips, bringing them in line with upcoming ancestries.
Added Criminal and Entertainer Background.
Relaxed the restrictions on what tools could be chosen by each background.
Removed weapon proficiencies from backgrounds other than militant and granted extra tools instead.
Arcanist, Devout, and Fey-Touched: Each gains one cantrip of your choice from a given spell list.
Cosmopolitan: added a choice of Crafter, Dabbler, or Polyglot feat to replace its old ribbon feature.
Maritime: reworked, added new Sailor's Vigilance feature.
Noble: Coordinating Direction now allows an ally to reroll a skill check.
Wild: improved useability of both feature choices.
Produce Flame can now set fires.
October 29th, 2024
Fixed the Human ancestry not appearing on the website.
Bloodrager: Seething Blood now has a range of 10 ft. and 1/Turn instead of a reaction.
Bloodrager: Removed Seething Mist, granted War Caster as a bonus feat at level 6.
Bloodrager: Damage resistance moved to level 10.
Beastmaster: Rewrote Restore Companion.
Duelist: new ability at level 6, Close the Gap, replacing Face Me!
Using Distant Spell to make a touch spell have a range of 30 ft. is free and doubling the range of a spell costs 1 sorcery point.
Rewrote Restore Familiar.
Fiend Patron: Dark One's Blessing can now only be used 3/Long Rest but doesn't damage self.
Evoker: now adds int mod to all spell damage at level 6, gains new 'Finishing Blast' ability at level 10.
Rituals now take 1 minute to cast if the base spell takes 1 action, and they take 10 minutes if the base spell takes 1 minute.
Alarm and Augury base casting time now 1 action.
Animal Messenger and Phantom Steed base casting time now 1 minute.
Floating Disk now lets the caster ride on it, floating 5 ft. above the ground.
Life Drain now drains a creature on successful save.
Well of Corruption is now a one-time drain and area hazard that prevents healing.
War Casting feat now 3/Long Rest.
Tons of clarity and formatting edits.
October 8th, 2024
A minotaur's gore attack now pushes a target 5 ft. once per turn.
Added the Death Domain subclass.
Added the Grassland subclass.
Added the Mountain subclass.
Added the Underworld subclass.
Herd's Momentum now adds 15 ft. to your speed instead of 10 ft.
Added Illusionist subclass.
Sickles are now finesse weapons.
Blowguns now deal 1d4 piercing damage instead of 1.
Increased prices of many lower-price weapons. All weapons are now worth at least 1 gold.
Decreased price of scimitars and hand crossbows.
Adjusted weight on a few weapons.
The invisibility spell now ends if you deal any damage, even if not with an attack or spell.
Specified whether spells with an attack roll are melee or ranged attacks.
Added an extra thanks for our regular volunteers, listing them by first name on our website.
September 9th, 2024
Shortened spellcasting ability descriptions and added links.
Bloodrager: can now cast their spells when not raging.
Lorekeeper: Master Ritualist at level 6 to ritually cast scrolls and gain two scrolls.
Noise: Drown Out the Voices now synergizes with psychic damage.
One with Shadow now properly synergizes with the hide action.
Eyes of the Rune Keeper expanded.
Tome: Book of Rituals functions same as Master Ritualist.
Wizards now get Calligrapher's Tools in addition to a tool of their choice.
Level 1 Feats are now granted by your class and not your background to make class-specific feats more intuitive.
Wizard feat Ritualist renamed to Master Ritualist, same as Lorekeeper feature.
Updated Scroll Expert.
Adjusted Combat Casting and granted it to Spellswords and Mystic Tricksters.
Game Rules
Rewrite of spellcasting rules. Details here. Highlights:
Simpler rules for casting multiple spells in a turn with examples.
Line of sight requirements for AOE spells.
Illusion rules.
Much less restrictive rules on scroll use.
New scroll scribing rules.
Readying a bonus action ability now costs a bonus action instead of an action.
New phantasmal spells, a Ko-fi funding goal: Spook (1st), Spectral Lance (3rd), Thundering Omen (3rd), Shadow Clone (4th), Silent Cacophony (4th), Pain Reflection (7th).
Revised Hypnotic Pattern and Spirit Guardians. Both weaker.
Knock improved.
Inflict Wounds is now a constitution save.
Massively improved Rend Vigor spell.
Sanctify is now a ritual.
August 13th, 2024​
Adjusted Large Frame on small characters with the Laborer background.
Added a new level 11 feature called Feral Strike.
Moved Relentless Rage to level 15 and removed Unlimited Rages.
Rescaled number of rages to go up to 6.
Spirit Steed was improved and can now be taken as a level 1 paladin feat instead of level 4.
Assassin: Finishing Blow now works on creatures with 10 hit points or fewer, regardless of rogue level.
Warlocks now get an invocation at level 11 instead of 12.
Warrior: Added a new level 1 feature called Thirsting Blade.
Tome: Added the Eldritch Arcanum invocation at level 11.
Tome: Made Eldritch Recovery feature into its own ability.
Fiend Patron: Redesigned Dark One's Blessing.
Removed Minions of Chaos invocation.
Revised about 25 spells, mostly of 3rd level.
New spell: Sanctify.
Removed haste from druid spell list and slow from warlock spell list.
Vampiric Touch reworked as Life Drain.
July 31st, 2024
A new 20th level feature that lets fighters use combat maneuvers an unlimited number of times.
Champion now gets expertise at level 3 instead of 6, and gains a new feature at level 6 that allows them to dash as a bonus action.
Commander and Champion now gain conventional expertise features rather than their old ones.
Added the Necromancer subclass, which was chosen by vote in the Elkan 5e Discord. Elkan 5e necromancers raise a loyal graveguard to serve them, which becomes more powerful and gains abilities as the necromancer grows in power.
Spell Mastery is a completely new ability for level 20 Wizards that lets them gain an extra action for spellcasting and ignore the normal limits on casting multiple spells in a turn for 1 turn, 1/Short Rest
Wizards gain Signature Spells at level 18, and must choose spells with a spellcasting time of 1 action.
Strength requirements for chain mail, splint, and plate armor are reduced to 12/14/14 from 13/15/15.
Game Rules
Added a section for damage types.
Renamed lightning damage to electric damage.
Moved information from the armor and weapon pages to the combat page.
Website Design
Reworked the design of the Character Creation page.
July 23rd, 2024
Pact of the Blade now adds a Fighting Style by default.
Clarified how switching invocations works.
Find Familiar now flagged as magical.
Website Design
Feats and Invocations with lengthy descriptions now have their descriptions hidden by default, which can be expanded by clicking 'Read More'.
Feats and spell filters were improved.
Cleaned up formatting on some class features.
July 16th, 2024
Added the Bloodrager subclass.
College of Lore renamed to Lorekeeper.
Added the Air Savant, Earth Savant, Fire Savant, and Water Savant subclasses.
Sorcerers now get their first main subclass ability at level 3.
Polyglot Feat now repeatable.
Resistance now has a 1 hour duration, up from 1 minute.
Added links to the Summary of Changes page.
July 3rd, 2024
Website Updates
The Feats and Warlock Invocation pages now allow you to search and filter results. You can open up individual feats and invocations into separate paths.
The website's main menu has been updated and resorted.
Forge-bound now grants the option of an armor training feat instead of both light and medium armor training.
Reduced Shifter expanded spell list to one spell per level.
Druids can now end a Wild Shape effect as a bonus action.
Added a fighting style to monks.
Added 7 new spells: Lapidate (cantrip), Shout (cantrip), Gentle Current (1st), Crushing Wave (2nd), Rock Blast (3rd), Lashing Wind (4th), Whirlwind (5th). Shout is a bard spell, and crushing wave can be chosen by druids, sorcerers, and warlocks. The others are druid-exclusive.
Burning Beam is now a 45 ft. line rather than 30 ft.
Minor Illusion allows an illusory object to be carried and moved easily.
Removed Gentle Repose from wizard spell list.
Removed ongoing action cost from Spiritual Weapon.
Updated the Summary of Changes, including adding a list of Elkan-specific subclasses and changes we made to SRD subclasses.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue with spells not displaying in the expected order when searched on the spells page.
June 21st, 2024
Clarified that Coordinating Direction cannot target self.
Added the ability for Mystic Tricksters to gain Precision Attacks that scale off their spellcasting ability.
Clarified you can choose a higher level feat if your total character level is equal to or higher than the level of the feat.
Game Rules
Added text explaining which proficiencies you gain as a result of Multiclassing in class descriptions.
Added Multiclassing requirements to class descriptions.
Clarified that Two Weapon Fighting requires the off-hand weapon, and only the off-hand, to be a light weapon. Text added in several places.
Added Multiclassing rules.
Reformatted the section of class pages that explain which proficiencies characters get at level 1 from their class.
Added a new section that explains how you can multiclass into each class underneath level 1 proficiencies, and what you get as a result. You get everything a level 1 character would except saving throw proficiencies and two skills. Classes which get more than two skills at level 1 grant the extra skills upon multiclassing.
Multiclassing requirements per class are listed in this section. Stat requirements are raised to 14, but the classes that required either strength or dexterity now only require one of the two to be 14 or higher (your choice). Barbarians now require a constitution of 14 for multiclassing.
June 8th, 2024
All 2nd level spells are now updated, revised.
Ranger: New feature called Plan the Hunt which gives half uses of Mark for Death back on a short rest.
Barbarian: Number of rages per long rest reduced, but new feature called Rumination which grants some back on a short rest. The overall effect means the same number of rages at almost every level, assuming a short rest.
Text for upcasting and for rolling a save against an ongoing effect rewritten to be more clear for all abilities and spells up to level 2.
Cleric: Life Domain's Preserve Life feature now restored to original design, with 5 times cleric level healing divided among chosen creatures, up to a max of half hit points for any individual target.
Find Steed is now a paladin feat for level 4
Cleave feat updated with interactions with Mirror Image and swarms.
May 28th. 2024
We have new art for our homepage and social media courtesy of Sleight.
All active abilities now follow our new formatting. Check out Druid and Sorcerer for the newest visual updates.
Added the thief subclass.
Added dozens, possible more than one hundred links across the website and Foundry module for rules and other references.
Sorcerer: Shield of Will is now a reaction
Removed Supreme Might feat
Fixed an issue with display on spell pages on the website.
May 21st, 2024
Added Oath of Devotion paladin subclass
Added a rules page for combat rules, currently covering only action types and standard actions
Added skill check DC guidelines, as well as a new rule for rolling 20s or 1s on a skill check (+-5 to total roll)
Attacks of Opportunity now trigger on any movement moving away from a creature, rather than just movement that moves outside of a weapon's range.
Readied Actions no longer require the readying creature to set a specific trigger.
Pages for individual spells on the website now list which classes can learn the spell.
Druid: removed Natural Recovery feature.
Ranger: Primeval Awareness is now a bonus action.
Sorcerer: Separated out the sorcery point recovery on a short rest into a feature called Magic Coalescence
Wizard: removed misty step from spell list
Added the Vine Lash cantrip for druids.
Misty Step spell now includes a somatic component
The Summary of Changes page now lists all new spells.
All spells are now correctly tagged for wizard subclasses
Fixed display issues on the conditions page on mobile
May 15th, 2024
All characters now get both an ability score improvement and a feat at levels 4, 8, 12, and 16.
All backgrounds now give a choice of level 1 feat, which means new level 1 characters all get one.
Level 19 grants each character Superior Ability, which increases an ability score to 22.
Rogues now have 'Precision Attacks' at levels 3, 7, and 11, which allow them to trade some of their sneak attack damage for secondary effects. Feats allow them to choose more options.
Paladins now have alternative smite options at levels 2, 5, 9, and 13 as class features, replacing the old smite spells. They do not require a bonus action or concentration. A feat allows them to choose more options.
Rewrote website's home page.
Added Changelog to the website, linked from home.
Barbarian: rage bonus scales to +6 rather than +4.
Barbarian: Primal Champion changed to +2 str, dex, and con to accommodate dexterity barbarians and the new Superior Ability.
Barbarian: relentless rage DC now resets on long rest.
Cleric Life Domain: Preserve Life now restores hit points equal to 4 times level rather than 5 times level.
Fighter Spellsword: Reworked and reformatted Spellstrike to be used after hitting with an attack, and standardized the number of uses to 5/long rest. Improved Spellstrike and Rapid Warding switched so spellstrike works with spells earlier
Fighter Commander: Rally and Commander's Strike now each have a 120 ft. range, up from 60 and missing a range respectively.
Monk: Martial Arts now works with all two handed weapons that aren't heavy, opening up the updated quarterstaff, shortbows, and light crossbows.
Paladin: removed level cap on smites
Rogue: Reliable Talent moved to level 11, expertise moved to level 15, Uncanny Dodge removed from level 15
Rogue: Fighting Style now granted at level 1, expertise at level 2 rather than vice versa
Rogue: poisoner's tools added as tool option
Rogue Mystic Trickster: sneak attack cannot trigger on magic missile or minor magic missile
Sorcerer: Twinned spell only works with spells with casting time of 1 action or 1 bonus action
Wizard: savant features explicitly don't allow for choosing smite spells or similar spells not on class spell lists.
Feats: Added a dozen feats or so. Focus on class specific feats.
Feats: Reworked Bodyblock
Feats: Stalwart now only grants a save proficiency
Feats: Brawler and War Cry tweaked, moved up to level 4 and 12 respectively.
Feats: level 8 maneuvers now require the extra attack feature
Spells: Acid Arrow damage reverted to a d4. Fireball radius reduced to 10 ft.
Cleaned up some navigation menus at the tops of pages
April 16th, 2024
Added 3 new spells: Ball Lightning (1st Level), Bloodlust (3rd Level), and Shockwave (4th Level)
Reworked warlock progression to grant the pact boon at level 1 and the first subclass feature at level 3.
Brute's abilities at level 3 were renamed and reworded.
The Duelist's Feint ability no longer takes a reaction, and Master Duelist was reworked.
April 9th, 2024
Added Shadowdancer monk subclass
Updated Monk
General formatting updates
Added Meditation at level 2, allowing for some ki recovery on a short rest
Stunning Strike cannot be used more than once per turn
Removed Astral Projection function from Empty Body
Some rules clarifications
Made Arcane Recovery and Natural Recovery clearly work 1/long rest rather than 1/day
Added the Jump table as a link in the jump spell description on the website
Forge-bound background now gives the choice of vehicle proficiencies
April 1st, 2024
Added artwork to the class pages that didn't already have art. Work done by Ulisses Klysman:
Draconic Breath Control now available to sorcerers with the draconic origin.
Obscured reworked and listed under conditions.
Muted renamed to Silenced
February 25th, 2024
Added Assassin roguish archetype
Added about a third of the 2nd level spells to the website
Increased the area of effect of Burning Hands to 20 ft. cone
We've finished a lot of the infrastructure for the upcoming Foundry release.
February 12th, 2024
Finished Summary of Changes page
Shield spell no longer requires a free hand.
Shadow Strike requires you to teleport to a spot on the ground.
Resistance cantrip now gives 1d4 to all saves for 1 minute or until concentration ends, instead of just one save.
Unarmored Defense for monks now works with shields.
February 5th, 2024
At the moment, we're hard at work to update our Foundry VTT module. In the meantime, we have a few things done this week.
Created this Summary of Changes page. Work is ongoing, and does not yet cover all changes to character classes, but covers everything else, consolidating information across the website into one place as a useful reference
Revised rules for breaking out of grapples and moving while frightened.
Fixed formatting inconsistencies with spells.
Added links to spells where they were missing.
Minor edits for Detect Poison and Disease (spell), One Mind (beastmaster ranger), and Volley (feat).
January 30th, 2024
1st level spells, revised and automated.
Floating Disk and Illusory Script are now cantrips. Create and Destroy Water has been reworked into a cantrip called Rain.
Fixed an issue with the warlock pact boon buttons on the website.
January 22nd, 2024
Barbarian revision, including a new feature and some streamlining.
Berserker subclass for barbarian
On the website, you can now select 'other' as your subclass, and it will give you instructions on how to use subclasses from non-Elkan sources.
Druids gain the 'Lesser Shifting' option for their wild shapes, bringing a shapeshifting option back into the base class
Fireball radius reduced to 15 ft. from 20 ft.
Dueling fighting style renamed to Single-Weapon Fighting
Thunder damage renamed to sonic damage
Tool descriptions no longer reference tool checks, only skill checks that use the tools
Added description for unarmed strikes
January 15th, 2024
Added Draconic Bloodline
Added Animate Dead, Arms of Earth, and Burning Beam spells
Bardic Inspiration split into two features (mechanically equivalent)
Druid subclasses start at level 1 for the sake of their expanded spell list
Monks now have a d10 hit die
Monk Stunning Strike progression unlinked from proficiency bonus
Monk Perfect Self now bonus action
Paladin class progression changed to gain subclass features at 3/6/10/14/20 (but still compatible with old subclasses)
Paladin's Divine Sense now a bonus action and 3/long rest
Paladin Channel Divinity renamed to Channel Conviction, each 1/short rest, gain one option at level 3, the other at level 10
Paladin: reworked Cleansing Touch as an extension of Lay on Hands, including moving some of the function of Lay on Hands to Cleansing Touch
Rangers now have the same number of spells as paladins
Rogue reverted to always getting Thieves' Tools
Expertise should no longer reference tools
Added small shields to starting equipment options for bards, rogues, and warlocks
Standardized white space on mobile site and placement of text and buttons
December 18th, 2023
Made our Trello task board public
Cleaned up old Discord channels
A lot of minor formatting
Fighters now get one combat maneuver at levels 2, 7, and 15 instead of two.
Fireball and Shield spells added to website
Tieflings now count as fiends and Aasimar count as celestials
Backgrounds now grant a few items based on the proficiencies they grant
December 11th, 2023
Properly finished combat maneuvers
Added the changeling ancestry
Changed the barbarian and monk features that increase speed to function in all armor types
Reformatted and edited several feats for QOL improvements
December 4th, 2023
Rebalanced weapons
Darts now have a range of 30/90 instead of 20/60
Greatclubs now deal 1d10 damage instead of 1d8
Quarterstaffs are now two-handed weapons with a reach of 10 ft. that deal 1d8 damage, instead of versatile 1d6/1d8 weapons
Spears now have a reach of 10 ft. when used as melee weapons
Halberds can now deal either piercing or slashing damage (user's choice)
Morningstars are now versatile 1d8/1d10 weapons instead of just 1d8
The flail, trident, and war pick were removed, for reasons we outline at the bottom of
Added description text for weapons to our website
Ancestry and Background features were updated to our new formatting (with no changes to their function)
Added descriptions to each class page, describing what the class is like.
The ranger's natural explorer feature is simplified
Rage now functions in heavy armor
November 27th, 2023
Set up a welcome tour for new Discord members.
Added the Life Domain for clerics
Added the Evoker Tradition for wizards
Wrote an intro and rules explanation for the feats page.
Added an expanded spell list for the Circle of the Shifter druids.
Streamlined the proficiencies granted by backgrounds.
Added an extra tool option for rogues and druids.
Diamond Soul no longer applies to death saving throws.
November 20th, 2023
Updated the Character Creation Guide, including ability score generation methods (Elkan 5e standard array, point buy, and rolling for stats)
The Distant Spell and Extended Spell metamagics were improved.
Eldritch Blast no longer counts as a spell at all, which allowed us to adjust some features to allow better integration with warlock spellcasting.
Mystic Tricksters and Spellswords can now choose warlock as their spellcasting class.
Fixed Fiend Patron expanded spell list
Fixed link issues to and from the rogue and bard page
Fixed dragonborn breath weapons to correctly list '1/long rest'
November 13th, 2023
Added a link to our Foundry VTT module on the website.
Added the Circle of the Shifter druid subclass.
Added 7 Elkan-exclusive spells.
Revamped the website's home page and returning player hub.
Spells that require a visible target now say 'visible creature' or somesuch in the target field at the top of spell descriptions.
Martial Command now targets a single ally and allows them to move up to their speed.
Fixed a whitespace issue on the fighter page.
Silence no longer counts as a ritual spell.
November 6th, 2023
Added the College of Jesters subclass to bard
Added the College of Lore subclass to bard
Revised Sorcerer to get subclass features at levels 1/6/10/14
Standardized capitalization for each class's proficiencies and items
Added an explanation of how to use recommended ability score arrays
Improved the Subtle Spell metamagic option
October 30th, 2023
Finished the Druid class
Added spellcasting progression tables to Spellsword and Mystic Trickster.
Replaced the old cantrips page with the new spells page and replaced all links to spells.
Added a list of changes to cantrips at the bottoms of the spells page.
Song of Rest now affects a maximum of 6 creatures.
Fixed an issue with white space at the bottom of the Ranger page.
October 23rd, 2023
Cleaned up the spells page's design
Added Way of the Open Hand subclass for monks
Revised monk to get subclass features at levels 3/6/10/14
Revised wizard to get access to spells of their chosen school at level 1, moved Arcane Recovery to level 2, and moved their first Arcane Tradition feature(s) to level 3
Reformatted the sorcerer and monk pages
Added the expanded spell list for Fiend patron warlocks
Rogues can now choose not to have proficiency in thieves' tools
Replaced references to 'shield' with 'large shield' and added links for items on the cleric page
Replaced the level 10 Commander feature
Clarified lack of synergy between repelling blast and familiar's blast
August 27th, 2023
Added the spell lists page.
Fixed Militant background on Foundry.
Changed some references to 'ability check' to read 'skill check'.
Added some instructions to automate consumption of Ki and Sorcery Points for certain class features in Foundry.
Improved the Commander's Rally feature.
Added the College of Noise for bards.
Added an expanded spell list for Beastmasters.
Improved the Wild and Maritime Backgrounds.
Fixed darts in the weapon chart and added Unarmed Strikes as a simple weapon.
June 6th, 2023
Rogue progression was reworked, and the page updated. Beastmaster rangers were added to the ranger page. Backgrounds have been finalized (for now)
March 13th, 2023
Several new Backgrounds are available, including Maritime, Noble, Outsider, and Wild. Lightbringer has been reworked and renamed to Devout, and Militant has received a few tweaks.
May 27th, 2022
Ranger has been updated. Mark for Death now requires a bonus action to activate. Rangers get an extra tool at level 1. They get one fewer tool and language at level 6. They get a more customizable version of Expertise at level 6. Snap Reaction has been replaced with a second instance of Expertise.
April 13th, 2022
Lightbringer culture now gives Protection from Evil and Good instead of Branding Smite
March 4th, 2022
Monk: total number of ki points is now 40, up from 30, at level 20. Perfect Self now restores 20 ki rather than all of it. Mobile version is fixed
Ranger: switched to a prepared spell list, rather than a known spell list. This allows rangers to swap their spells on a long rest. No change in number of spells.
January 27th, 2022
Beginning of formal changelog
Monk: removed Meditation at level 2, to bring ki to an entirely long-rest recharge, in line with other similar changes to other classes